
CEEMID Music Professionals Survey 2019

Since most music professional work in microenterprises, or as freelancers, they usually do not participate in economic statistical surveys, and their problems remain hidden from government officials and the general public. This is why we designed an developed an individual-level survey since 2014 which in 2019 already covers more than 10 countries.

Slovak Music Industry Report

Slovakia's first music industry report. Following the three income streams model from creation till audience, we summarized for the the number of works that were created, recorded, staged in Slovakia in a year. We calculated their revenues, their …

Market Reports

Market sizing, research and forecasting reports.

Eurpoean Comparison: How Many People Ever Pay For Music, Film or Software

In Europe, there is a big difference between the use of electronic entertainment devices in richer and poorer countries. Nevertheless, the real difference is between the number of people who sometimes and who never pay for downloaded music, films and software.

Slovak Music Industry Report

We presented the most important findings of the Slovak Music Industry Report with the project sponsor, Mgr. Tomas Miks, member of SOZA’s management team in the first SHARPE music conference in Bratislava.

CEEMP Session: Licensing, How To Tackle The Value Gap And A Discussion on Licensing Initiatives

CEEMID had the honor to participate in the third panel of CEEMP in Warsaw together with Ben McEwen from ICE; Jules Parker from Spotify and Dominic Houston from Netflix, and Chris Butler from Music Sales, who is also the chairperson of ICMP. Our panel was moderated by Nigel Elderton from peermusic, who is also the new chairperson of PRS in the UK.

Changing Musician Career Paths

In our survey, we ask musicians about the most important milestones of their career and their achievement in the past 12 month. So far we have surveyed more than 2000 music professionals and 900 film production professionals in Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia.

Hungarian Music Industry Report

The first comprehensive music industry report in Hungary and in the CEE region using the three income stream model to assess the income, value, value added in live music, publishing and recording. A 143-pages report that was followed by the …

Opportunities for branch lines in the new European regulatory environment

An overview of the branch line and regional railway problem in the context of the new European open-access, marginal cost based regulation. Historical, comparative study, review of an experiment within the vertically integrated Hungarian State …

Lessons from the first year of the liberalized rail freight market for re-regulation

An empirical review of various problems in Hungary's newly liberalized rail freight market. I conducted the survey with the help of railway undertakings and authorities in my capacity as Commissioner for Rail Regulation. The findings were used to …