Music Professionals surveys

The three income streams model is essentially a value chain based model that was developed in the United States and adopted by the European Commission’s Joint Research Center for European CCI policy purposes pdf download. We made minor adaptations in the three income model for applicability in Central Europe.

While in the original American model sound recordings are the “main” income stream, currently, especially in Central Europe the live performance stream earns the most income for a typical musician. The author’s stream is the oldest, traditionally and analytically first part of the music industry that includes revenue streams based on musical works exploited by music publishers and via author’s CMO societies such as HDS. In the US it is called the publishing stream, but in Central Europe it is dominated by authors’ societies, so we modified the label.

The CEEMID Adoptation of the Three Income Stream Model

CEEMID Music Professionals 2019

The CEEMID Music Professionals Survey is under way in 12 countries.

Music Professionals Hungary 2018

This survey was designed for a full market analysis in Hungary on the music and audiovisual sectors, particularly to calculate the equitable remuneration for private copying. Furthermore, we cooperated with the MOKK Centre for Media Research and Education in a not-yet published research about gender roles and career perspectives of women in the Hungarian music scene.

Music Professionals Hungary 2017

This survey was designed for a full market analysis in Hungary on the music and audiovisual sectors, particularly to calculate the equitable remuneration for private copying.

Music Professionals Slovakia 2017

This survey was used update the Slovak Music Industry Report.

Music Professionals Hungary 2015

The data and intelligence of CEEMID was used in Hungary to create an ex ante evaluation of the new Cseh Tamás Program to support popular music development in Hungary. The programme is currently named Hangfoglaló.

Music Professionals Croatia 2015

The Music Professionals Croatia 2015 survey was designed for the creation of the Private Copying in Croatia report, which is prepared for the forthcoming Croatian Copyright legislation changes on private copying and the value gap. It was first presented on the MAKK 2015 conference.

Musicians Slovakia 2015

This survey was used to create the Slovak Music Industry Report and to make various legislative impact assessment presentations during the modification of the Slovak Copyright Law on private copying and radio quotas.

Musicians Hungary 2014

This survey was used to create the Hungarian Music Industry Report.
