
An Empirical Analysis of Music Streaming Revenues and Their Distribution

Our report highlights some important lessons. First, we show that in the era of global music sales platforms it is impossible to understand the economics of music streaming without international data harmonization and advanced surveying and sampling. …

CCS Ecosystems: Evidence-Driven CCI Policy & The Central & Eastern European Music Industry Report

The Central & Eastern European Music Industry Report 2020 was presented as a case-study on national and comparative evidence-based policymaking in the cultural and creative sector.

Közép- és Kelet-Európai Zeneipari Jelentés 2020

Az első magyar, szlovák, horvát és cseh zeneipari jelentések összehasonlítása a bolgár, litván, osztrák, örmény, szerb, szlovák és szlovén adatokkal és tapasztalatokkal.

Central European Music Industry Report 2020

We will present to the audience the Central European Music Industry Report 2020 on the CCS Ecosystems: FLIPPING THE ODDS” Conference – a two-day high-level stakeholder event jointly organized with the European Commission, DG Education and Culture.

Budapest Showcase Hub & Conference 2019

We had a very interesting discussion day on the Budapest Showcase Hub with the regional independent labels in the workshop hosted by HAIL and with some concert promoters and music educators in the main conference program.

Digital Music Industry 2019

My annual seminar in within the Digital Music Industry course of MOKK

Czech Music Development Program & Comparative Market Research

A Progress Report on the Czech Music Development Program and problems in an international context. We would like to invite any Czech stakeholders, or even individuals to join our Research Consortium, because in the music sector, all organization are microenterprise or small enterprise sized, they usually have no significant market research, innovation and strategic HR management capacities. We hope to give them in each country useful tools.

Private Copying in Croatia

My study, Private Copying in Croatia, argues for an overhaul of the Croatian private copying remuneration scheme and gives some empirical evidence for the transposition of the DSM Directive. Even for those who are not interested in royalties, the first 3 chapters offer a very interesting introduction on how people listen to music, how musicians make music and how people copy it in the 21st century.

Central European Music Industry Report Presentation

We had the first public and panel discussion of the forthcoming Central European Music Industry Report. After mapping and analysing in depth the music industries of several CEE countries, I put together with the help of Consolidated Independent and state51 a regional report in previously unseen detail.

Streaming Market Growth on European Markets

Total national sales reflect the growing number of subscribers, the price, the exchange rate, and many factors that are not important for an artists or music label. Instead we design indexes that show the real growth for a typical domestic or foreign rightsholder in a country. The aim is to provide useful sales and performance guidance for smaller countries, genres and exporting destinations.