
Szlovák zeneipari jelentés

Az első átfogó szlovák zeneipari jelentés. A három jövedelmáramlás modelljével összegeztük a zenészek által szerzett, élőben és hangfelvételen előadott műveinek jövedelmét, közönségét, értékét. Kiszámoltuk a gazdasághoz adott érték, a befektetések …

Eurpoean Comparison: How Many People Ever Pay For Music, Film or Software

In Europe, there is a big difference between the use of electronic entertainment devices in richer and poorer countries. Nevertheless, the real difference is between the number of people who sometimes and who never pay for downloaded music, films and software.

Slovak Music Industry Report

We presented the most important findings of the Slovak Music Industry Report with the project sponsor, Mgr. Tomas Miks, member of SOZA’s management team in the first SHARPE music conference in Bratislava.

CEE Mini Recording Industry Workshop

I presented my market view and experience with distinguished colleagues from the Baltic states, Central Europe and the Balkan, representatives of WIN and IFPI and the international indie distributor State 51. We had a lively discussion on why emerging markets are emerging so slowly in the new digital music business.

Changing Musician Career Paths

In our survey, we ask musicians about the most important milestones of their career and their achievement in the past 12 month. So far we have surveyed more than 2000 music professionals and 900 film production professionals in Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia.

A magyar könnyűzenei repertoár növekedése: kik alkotják és hogyan találja meg közönségét?

Being visible in the world is always difficult in the Central and Eastern European region. Made in Hungary is the first book in the Popular Music Studies series of Routledge from the region. A description of our first datasets, the motivation of …

Mapping the Croatian Music Industry

Daniel Antal presented the preliminary findings of the Croatian music industry research in the International Authors’ and Creators’ Conference in Zagreb on 24 November 2015. The presentation was largely based on analysis of various CEEMID databases.

A ProArt zeneipari jelentése

2015 május 28-29-én került sor a Sziget és a ProArt rendezésében a második Music Hungary konferenciára Egerben. A nyitóelőadáson az első magyaroszági zeneipari jelentés szerzőjeként Antal Dániel ismertette a 143-oldalas tanulmány legfontosabb …

First National Hungarian Music Industry Report

The report was compiled with joining data and knowledge from collective management agencies for composer, producer and performer royalties, and market leading companies Sziget (organizer of Sziget festival and many more festivals), WMMD music distribution company, market-leading Schubert Music Publishing and A38, Hungary’s leading music club, together with producer and audience survey data, tax authority data and other government sources.