
Why Did We Start The Demo Music Observatory?

The problem of the music industry is not too little, but too much data. Music is drowning in numbers, and it has too little resources to turn much data into valuable information. We have shown that we open collaboration is the key to success.

Comperative Study On The Music Markets of the CEE Region

Presentation of the CEE Music Industry Report, with emphasis on Czech data compared with AT, DE, HU, PL, SK, in the context of the development program on on live, recording, publishing parts and the granting functions of the Czech music scene. …

How We Would Like To Work in the Czech Music Industry in 2020

360-degree workshop with music professionals from the live, recording, publishing parts and the granting and collective management functions of the Czech music industry, organized by SoundCzech.

Panel Discussion of the Central Euroepan Music Industry Report 2019

The panel discussion of the first comprehensive Central and Eastern European report (Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia) will be in held on the Waves Music Showcase Festival and Conference.

CEEMPC session: Licensing, How To Tackle The Value Gap And A Discussion On Licensing Initiatives

Pricing methods in the CISAC Good Governance seminar for author's societies.


Valuing music, film, and projecting royalty flows.

Granting And Policy Evaluation For Musicians In Hungary

The data and intelligence of CEEMID was used in Hungary to create an ex ante evaluation of the new Cseh Tamás Program to support popular music development in Hungary. Our mandate was to create concrete granting proposals that have a high chance of making a change in terms of the later royalty earning capabilities of artists.

Az üreshordozó díjrendszer vizsgálata

An economic analysis of the evolution of private copying, its benefits for the Hungarian households and the equitable remuneration for music and film copyright and neighboring right owners. Review of the technological and regulatory evolution of the …