An Empirical Analysis of Music Streaming Revenues and Their Distribution

Our report highlights some important lessons. First, we show that in the era of global music sales platforms it is impossible to understand the economics of music streaming without international data harmonization and advanced surveying and sampling. …

Music Streaming: Is It a Level Playing Field?

Our paper argues that fair competition in music streaming is restricted by the nature of the remuneration arrangements between creators and the streaming platforms, the role of playlists, and the strong negotiating power of the major labels. It …

Ensuring the Visibility and Accessibility of European Creative Content on the World Market: The Need for Copyright Data Improvement in the Light of New Technologies

While the US have already taken steps to provide an integrated data space for music as of 1 January 2021, the EU is facing major obstacles not only in the field of music but also in other creative industry sectors. Weighing costs and benefits, there …

Central & Eastern European Music Industry Report 2020

The results of the first Hungarian, Slovak, Croatian and Czech music industry reports are compared with Armenian, Austrian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Serbian and Slovenian data and findings.

Private Copying in Croatia

This study argues that the cultural and welfare benefits of this private copying regime are enormous and important to create a good quality of life in Croatia for all age groups, but especially for young people, and it must be maintained. …

Slovak Music Industry Report

Slovakia's first music industry report. Following the three income streams model from creation till audience, we summarized for the the number of works that were created, recorded, staged in Slovakia in a year. We calculated their revenues, their …

Hungarian Music Industry Report

The first comprehensive music industry report in Hungary and in the CEE region using the three income stream model to assess the income, value, value added in live music, publishing and recording. A 143-pages report that was followed by the …

Az üreshordozó díjrendszer vizsgálata

An economic analysis of the evolution of private copying, its benefits for the Hungarian households and the equitable remuneration for music and film copyright and neighboring right owners. Review of the technological and regulatory evolution of the …

AmCham Energy and Environment Committee published Position Brief

It is AmCham’s view that Hungary does not have a consistent energy policy evaluation framework that would enable policymakers and investors to correctly establish priorities and create a roadmap towards energy security. In the current situation, …