Czech Music Development Program & Comparative Market Research

I was presenting some highlights from the work we started with in the organization of SoundCzech with 25 music professionals representing more than 20 stakeholders in the How We Would Like To Work in the Czech Music Industry in 2020 ex ante evaluation workshop in the context of the comparative Central European Music Industry Report.

You can find the full presentation, including slides not shown in the workshop here. The presentation is a self-contained big file of 20Mb, takes time to load.

The work is done in a collaborative manner with the open Research Consortium started by SoundCzech, CEEMID & Consolidated Independent. We would like to invite any Czech stakeholders, or even individuals to join our efforts. Because in the music sector, all organization are microenterprise or small enterprise sized, they usually have no significant market research, innovation and strategic HR management capacities. We hope to give them in each country useful tools.

A very interesting part of the discussion in the morning was around transparency and potential conflict between stronger and weaker markets. Thank you for all colleagues who came on a Saturday morning after great showcase concerts the night before, and let’s stay in touch!
